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May, June, July, Aug 2015
ADOPTED Lobo von Lockstedt is a gorgeous 3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Atlas von Acelle is a beautiful 18 month old German Shepherd on the smaller side. |
ADOPTED Jupiter von Jever is a very handsome 4 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Sampson von Salzbergen is a gorgeous 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Pansy von Pelt is an adorable 2 year old Shepherd mix on the smaller side. |
ADOPTED Bridgette von Bruck is a beautiful 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Achilles von Achern is a stunning 20 month old black and red German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Bodie von Bundt is a gorgeous 2 year old white German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Little Joe von Cartright is a very handsome 12 month old Shepherd/Cattle dog mix. |
ADOPTED Bruno von Bruchsal is the sweetest 2 year old smaller sized Shepherd/Husky mix. LOVE BUG ON PAWS! |
ADOPTED Ludwig von Singer is a stunning 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Kiska von Kandel is a stunning 18 month old sable German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Cricket von Cologne is an amazingly sweet 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Greta von Goslar is a gorgeous 5 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Lena von Lansig is a gorgeous 12 month old German Shepherd on the smaller side. |
ADOPTED Kia von Kahn is a beautiful 2 year old Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Allie von Apfel is a sweetest 16 month old German Shepherd/ Belgian Malinois mix. |
ADOPTED Tania von Tone is a striking looking 3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Zarko von Zing is a stunning larger sized 2 year old bi-color German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Will von Woo is the sweetest 3 year old German Shepherd on the smaller side. |
ADOPTED Sammy von Sanders is a gorgeous 2 year old shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Savvy is a gorgeous 8-9 month old German Shepherd with a touch of Husky. |
ADOPTED Razor von Riesen is a gorgeous 2-3 year old sable German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED King von Kee is a striking looking 3 year old sable German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Huey von Hissen is a gorgeous 10 month old German Shepherd/Anatolian Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Leon von Lion is a beautiful 3 year old Shepherd/Retriever mix. ![]() |
ADOPTED Raymond von Romrod is a stunning 12 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Charlotte von Calw is the cutest 10 week old Shepherd Husky mix puppy. |
ADOPTED Daphne von Dienst is the sweetest 3 year old German Shepherd on the smaller side. Good with cats!!! Sweetie pie! |
ADOPTED Baroness von Berg is a beautiful 4-5 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Kiara von Kronach is a beautiful 3 year old Germn Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Lola von Lelle is a gorgeous 3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Murdock von Marsberg is a beautiful 3 year old sable Gerrman Shepherd mix. Tested well with cats! |
ADOPTED Brewster von Bruel is a very handsome 12 month old mix of cuteness. |
ADOPTED Popeye von Potch is a delightful 10 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Leo von Lohne is a delightful 12 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Koby Von Konzell is the cutest shepherd - sharpei mix. |
ADOPTED Tank von Taub is an adorable 4 year old smaller sized fuzz muffin. |
ADOPTED Rocky von Rhyss is a gorgeous 3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Franz von Felt is a very handsome 6-7 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Dewey von Dessen is a beautiful 10 month old German Shepherd/Anatolian Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Hawk von Hawkins is a beautiful 12 month old German Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Nellie von Nobel is a gorgeous 4 year old smaller sized German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Mona von Moss is a stunning 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Fergie von Felden is a gorgeous 10 month old Shepherd mix on the smaller side. |
ADOPTED Gardenia von Gartz is a gorgeous 9 year old black and red German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Brooklyn von Bleck is a beautiful 5 year old Shepherd mix. Lived with cats! |
ADOPTED Fonzy von Fohl is the cutest 11 week old Shepherd puppy mixed with a smaller breed. |
ADOPTED Sargeant von Suhl is a stunning 2.5 year old white German Shepherd. Lived with cats! |
ADOPTED Gunnar von Gussen is a gorgeous 3 year old German Shepherd. Good with kids! |
ADOPTED Murphy von Montag is a gorgeous 3 year old German Shepherd with a touch of Husky. LOVES to play ball! |
ADOPTED Floyd von Futin is a beautiful 18 month old mix of cuteness. |
ADOPTED Caspian von Castrop is a beautiful 5 year old German Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Shelby von Straun is a stunning 3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Windy von Wells is a beautiful 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Hazel von Hatsfeld is a gorgeous 2 year old German Shepherd/Husky mix. |
ADOPTED Mocha von Mebra is an adorable smaller sized 5 year old German Shepherd. Tested well with small dogs and cats! |
ADOPTED Duchess von Dutzo is a delightful 3 year old German Shepherd. Good with kids! |
ADOPTED Molly von Mieder is a gorgeous 2-3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Amelia von Ansbach is a beautiful 3 year old long haired German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Carys von Calw is a adorable 8 week old Shepherd Husky mix puppy. |
ADOPTED Clarissa von Calw is an enchanting 8 week old Shepherd Husky mix puppy. |
ADOPTED Cambria von Calw is a delightful 8 week old Shepherd Husky mix puppy. |
ADOPTED Camilla von Calw is a wonderful 8 week old Shepherd Husky mix puppy. |
ADOPTED Caleb von Calw is a delightful 8 week old Shepherd Husky mix puppy. |
ADOPTED Carrington von Calw is an adorable 8 week old Shepherd Husky mix puppy. |
ADOPTED Christopher von Calw is a delightful 8 week old Shepherd Husky mix puppy. |
ADOPTED Maxwell von Madda is a striking looking 13 month old black sable German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Kode is an adorable 2 year old smaller sized sable German Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Angie von Alrich is a beautiful 12 month old smaller sized German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Carmelo von Connors is a very handsome 5-6 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Louie von Lutzen is a wonderful 10 month old German Shepherd/Anatolian Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Freddy von Frieberg is a beautiful 2 year old Shepherd mix. Lived with cats! |
ADOPTED Hansel von Hilden is a beautiful 3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Lola von Lorrach is a stunning 3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Bailey von Bently is a gorgeous 12 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Kisses von Kirtorf is a wonderful 4 year old Shepherd/Lab mix girl. |
ADOPTED Ursula von Uan is a gorgeous 12 month old coated German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Gretel von Gilden is a smaller sized 3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Avie von Asperg is an enchanting 4 month old German Shepherd puppy. |
ADOPTED Elke von Ellis is a beautiful 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Chester von Chan is a delightfully sweet, smaller sized 1-2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Brando von Bee is the sweetest 12 month old German Shepherd on the larger side. |
ADOPTED Boone von Bolt is a delightful 8-9 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Chewy von Chills is a delightful 11 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Cotton von Corfen is a gorgeous 3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Amos von Amor is a gorgeous 14 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Buddy von Berding is a gorgeous 2 year old German Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Clifford von Celle (Dexter) is a very handsome, smaller sized 3 year old sable shepherd mix. VIDEO |
ADOPTED Joy von Dawn is an enchanting little 11-12 week old Border Collie mix puppy. (our best guess) |
ADOPTED Fifa von Fee is a gorgeous 18 month old German Shepherd on the smaller side. |
ADOPTED Maddy von Moor is a striking looking 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Heidi von Henau is a stunning 2 year old coated German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Vella von Vern is a stunning 2 year old sable German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Geneva von Gusten is a stunning 12-18 month old coated German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Murphy von Melle is the cutest 2 year old compact Shepherd mixed with a smaller breed. |
ADOPTED Bu von Berg is a wonderful 3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOTED Sage von Sebnitz is an adorable 2 year old Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Ranger von Roe is a beautiful 8-10 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Lazer von Lossen is a beautiful 12 month old Husky mix. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Deuce von Dorfen is a wonderful and very handsome larger sized 2-3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Calvin von Cline is an adorable 15 month old cutie pie. |
ADOPTED Bode aka Oswald von Ostritz is a beautiful 3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Dory von Donnerstag is a beautiful 4 year old smaller sized sable German Shepherd mix. NO CATS Sweetie pie! VIDEO |
ADOPTED Holly von Hemau is a stunning 7 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Hilda von Harp is a stunning 14 month old German Shepherd. |
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ADOPTED Baby von Boon is a gorgeous 10 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Sheba von Sheen is an adorable 2 year old Husky. |
ADOPTED Lady von Lehrte is a striking looking 3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Blossom von Benz is an adorable 5 month old German Shepherd mixed with a touch of Heeler. |
ADOPTED Chomper von Chee is a 7 month old Portuguese Water Dog mix. |
ADOPTED Dakota von Dever is a beautiful 2 year old German Shepherd with a touch of Husky possibly. VIDEO with small dog |
ADOPTED Haru von Chevy is a beautiful 3 year old German Shepherd with some Husky mixed in. |
ADOPTED Dax von Derding is a very handsome and very sweet 3-4 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Sherman von Swift is a beautiful 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Fallon von Feline is an adorable 8 week old Shepherd mix puppy. |
ADOPTED Flossie von Fohl is an adorable 11 week old Shepherd puppy mixed with a smaller breed. |
ADOPTED Foxy von Forst is an adorable 5 year old Jindo (mix?) Tested well with cats! |
ADOPTED Roxy von Rogen is a beautiful 3 year old German Shepherd on the smaller side. |
ADOPTED Serena von Varel is a gorgeous 8 month old German Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Venus von Varel is a gorgeous 8 month old German Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Glory von Ganz is a beautiful 3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Pudding von Polch is a gorgeous 4 year old classic German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Maggy von Prague is a gorgeous 3.5 year old German Shepherd. |
RIP Georgie von Gissen is an adorable 22 pound mix of German Shepherd and Pomeranian. (well, we don't know but she could be) |
ADOPTED Rocky von Rulz is a beautiful 12 month old smaller sized German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Blackie von Bonn is a very handsome 3 year old Shepherd with maybe a touch of Great Dane. VIDEO |
ADOPTED Zack von Zoon is a stunning 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED River von Riggs is a wondeful and very handsome 5 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Alvin von Achim is a delightful 12 month old Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Shady von Shier is a stunning 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Vader von Vulsar is a gorgeous 7 month old Black German Shepherd puppy. |
ADOPTED Zayne von Zildau is a gorgeous 3 year old black and red German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Stormy von Senf is a delightful 12 month old Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Dante von Diehl is a gorgeous 18 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Apollo von Apolda is a very handsome 5 year old Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Monty von Mauta is a very handsome 3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Bella von Bahm is a gorgeous 3 year old long haired German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Elsa von Elson is a beautiful 3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Annie von Apfel is a gorgeous 3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Harley von Himmel is a beautiful and fun 12 month old Rottie mix. Love bug! |
ADOPTED Laska von Luft is a gorgeous 12 month old Husky. |
ADOPTED Tori von Tate is the cutest 3 month old Shepherd mix puppy. |
ADOPTED Francesca von Feline is the cutest 8 week old Shephed mix puppy. |
ADOPTED Fiona von Feline is a delightful 8 week old Shepherd mix puppy. |
ADOPTED Bella von Dawn is a wonderful 11-12 week old Retriever mix puppy. |
ADOPTED Bliss von Dawn is a delightful 11-12 week old Retriever mix puppy. |
ADOPTED Moose von Molln is a gorgeous 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Helios von Dellrich is a gorgeous, larger sized 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Sergio von Sorta is a gorgeous 4-5 month old German Shepherd puppy. |
ADOPTED Bear von Bried is a verys weet, striking looking 2 year old Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Max von Merzig is a tall, light and handsome 3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Amigo von Aken is a gorgeous 15 month old classic German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Brody von Baub is a beautiful 18 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Kado von Kempen is a stunning 12 month old German Shepherd. Tested well with cats! |
ADOPTED Halston von Haus is a beautiful 2-3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Heinz von Huston is a stunning 7 year old black and red German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Prince von Plauen is a delightful 3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Ally von Asberg is a beautiful 3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Maddy von Mengen is the happiest, most delightful 8 month old English Bull Terrier you will meet. |
ADOPTED Eve von Eins is an affectionate, 2 year old smaller-sized Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Femma von Feren is a stunning 8 month old smaller sized German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Kelly von Klein is a beautiful 3 year old Retriever mix. |
ADOPTED Xena von Xanten is a delightful 12 week old German Shepherd puppy. |
ADOPTED Merlot von Mann is a stunning 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Tracy von Torgau is a stunning 12 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Farrah von Fine is a delightful 12 month old smaller sized German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Cookie von Camberg is an adorable 8-10 year old ball of fluff on the smaller side. |
ADOPTED Sissy von Salz is the sweetest 2-3 year old German Shepherd you will meet. |
ADOPTED Bayle von Bemer is a beautiful 18 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Gloria von Gondor is a beautiful 18 month old German Shepherd on the smaller side. |
ADOPTED Pasha von Polk is a beautiful 18 month old smaller sized German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Quincy von Quill is the cutest little 13 week old Shepherd/Retriever mix puppy. |
ADOPTED Patron von Putbus is a stunning 2 year old black and red German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Roosevelt von Regen is a stunning 3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Balto von Berliner is a gorgeous 18 month old Shepherd/Retriever mix. |
ADOPTED Stout von Finch is a stunning plush coated 4 year old sable German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Mac von Mirna is a very handsome 6 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Misha von Mohr is he sweetest little 12 month old Dutch Shepherd mix. Sweetie Patootie! |
ADOPTED Victoria von Vee is a beautiful 9 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Kaela von Krempe is a stunning 14 month old bi-color German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Pepsi von Meersburg is the sweetest 4 month old Shepherd mix puppy. |
ADOPTED Gretchen von Geyer is a smaller sized 18 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Howard von Hoya is a beautiful 18 month old Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Bentley von Bonn is a beautiful 16 month old Golden Retiever - Lab mix. |
ADOPTED Ricky von Rubin is an adorable 9 month old Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Sidney von Solms is the most adorable 18 month old little mix of cuteness. |
ADOPTED Sheen von Schroeder is a stunning 8 year old AKC German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Lucky von Lucerne is a very handsome 4 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Theo von Thum is a gorgeous 11 week old German Shepherd puppy. |
ADOPTED Vannah von Viel is a wonderful 3 year old German Shepherd. Love bug! |
ADOPTED Lola von Leeve is a gorgeous 6 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Lizzy von Lisbon is a stunning 6-7 month old German Shepherd puppy. |
ADOPTED Cole von Camp is a striking looking 14 month old black sable German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Fluff von Fulda is an adorable 5 year old Shepherd/Keeshond mix. |
ADOPTED Cinnamon von Cam is a wondeful 4 year old Weimaraner (male). |
RIP Nero von Neisky is a gorgeous 6-7 year old Xlarge German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Rosie von Rylau is a beautiful 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Shay von Sellen is a gorgeous 3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Betty von Burg is a delightful 18 month old bi-color German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Savannah von Singer is a delightful 10 month old Husky mix. |
ADOPTED Alanna von Alpert is the sweetest 11 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Lady von Luxen is a gorgeous 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Jenny von Karben is a beautiful 12 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Cindy von Cinder is a gorgeous 3 year old smaller sized German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Kiley von Kassel is an adorable 12 month old Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Gideon von Gretchen is a beautiful 7 week old German Shepherd puppy. |
ADOPTED Gilbert von Gretchen is a stunning 7 week old German Shepherd puppy. |
ADOPTED Gia von Gretchen is a stunning 7 week old German Shepherd puppy. |
ADOPTED Gulliver von Gretchen is a delightful 7 week old German Shepherd puppy. |
ADOPTED Grayson von Gretchen is the cutest 7 week old German Shepherd puppy. |
ADOPTED Gemma von Gretchen is a beautiful 7 week old German Shepherd puppy. |
ADOPTED Graham von Gretchen is a gorgeous 7 week old German Shepherd puppy. |
ADOPTED Moska von Monheim is a gorgeous 5 month old German Shepherd puppy. |
ADOPTED Maximillian von Moe is the sweetest 12 month old bi-color German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Rex von Ringer is a wonderful 9 month old German Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Andy von Alz is a wonderful 12 week old German Shepherd puppy. |
ADOPTED Max von Mooseburg is a very handsome 4 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Delsie von Dorn is the cutest 10 week old Shepherd mix puppy |
ADOPTED Dulce von Dorn is an adorable 10 week old Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Phoebe von Perik is a beautiful 7 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Fiona von Fern is a wonderful 6-7 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Misty von Marlow is a stunning 2-3 year old long haired German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Marley von Miesa is a striking looking 12 month old German Shepherd-Malinois mix. |
ADOPTED Ruby von Riegen is a stunning 2 year old German Shepherd on the smaller side. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Ollie von Olpe is a delightful 12 week old German Shepherd puppy. |
ADOPTED Marshall von Montag is a very handsome, smaller sized 12 month olf German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Lionel von Richis is the most adorable, 11 month old smaller sized Shepherd mix. Does well with small dogs and cats! VIDEO |
ADOPTED Ringo Star von Beatle is a beautiful 14 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Syrus von Seine is a beautiful 10 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Wolfgang von Werben is a stunning, large 2 year old coated German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Bonita von Barth is a gorgeous 18 month old smaller sized German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Razzy von Rreagan is an adorable 9-10 week old Shepherd mix puppy. |
ADOPTED Rizzo von Reagan is a delightful 9-10 week old Shepherd mix puppy. |
ADOPTED Beau von Berna is a beautiful 2 year old German Shepherd. (female) |
ADOPTED Portia von Petrie is a beautiful 2-3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Minnie von Sparrow is a beautiful 5 year old smaller German Shepherd (mix). |
RIP Gibson von Gill is a very handsome 2-3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Werner von Wien is a gorgeous 2.5 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Trent von Tanna is the sweetest 11 month old Shepherd/Husky mix boy you will meet. Sweetie Pie! |
ADOPTED Panda von Pilsner is an adorable 8 month old Shepherd mix. Loves kids! |
ADOPED Clarence von Cochen is an adorable smaller sized 3 year old Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Maximus von Mainz is a gorgeous 18 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Lazo von Lauffen is the sweetest 2 year old Aussie mix. |
ADOPTED Katie von Kunz is a gorgeous 5 year old German Shepherd. |
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Copyright © 2004-07 Westside German Shepherd
Rescue. All rights reserved.
Updated 9/3/2015